What Your Eye Doctor Can Tell About Your Heart Health

Your eyes may be like the windows to your soul, but did you know they’re like windows to your heart, too? A comprehensive eye exam from your local eye doctor can let you know whether you’re at risk of serious heart problems. Today, Visions Optique and Eyecare in north Scottsdale is here to explain how. Read on to learn about four eye conditions that can indicate problems with your heart, then contact us to schedule your next exam.



If you’re struggling with high cholesterol, one symptom you may notice is yellow-colored bumps around your eyes and nose. These bumps are called xanthelasma, and they’re built-up cholesterol deposits under the skin. While xanthelasma won’t affect your vision, it can point to heart disease.


Aortic Regurgitation

During an exam with your eye doctor, they may notice that the dilation and constriction of your pupils are synchronized with your heartbeat. While this symptom is rare, it typically indicates aortic regurgitation. This is a heart condition in which one of the heart valves cannot close properly, causing differences in heart rate.


Amaurosis Fugax

Have you ever experienced vision loss that lasts up to 30 minutes at a time? It’s important to discuss this with an Arizona optometrist. Amaurosis fugax is the temporary loss of vision caused by a lack of blood flow, which can stem from an artery blockage. This symptom can also warn of an impending stroke.


Hypertensive Retinopathy

Chronic hypertension can lead to damage and physical changes to the blood vessels in your eyes, which are visible during an eye exam. This is referred to as hypertensive retinopathy, and it results in eye problems, like blurry vision or vision loss, when left uncontrolled.

Routine optometry exams are essential for maintaining heart health because your eye doctor can identify symptoms associated with heart problems. Contact Visions Optique and Eyecare in Scottsdale for an appointment today.